Department of Rasa Shastra evam Bhaishajya Kalpana

Dr Sahara Shrestha
Assistant Professor & Head of Department
Departmental Vision:
To become recognised nationally in the field of Rasa Shastra evam Bhaishajya Kalpana by producing good human resources and a functional Institutional Drug Manufacturing Unit for becoming independent in drug production in accordance to GMP norms.
- To be an outstanding centre of excellence for Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Science and set the highest standards for education, research, and patient care through Ayurveda.
- Well-developed post graduate department for starting PG and PhD in the long run.
- To carry out research and development activity in the field of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana
- To continue OPD/ IPD in different areas of health and provide specialised in-house prepared medications in the long run.
- To produce efficient manpower in the field of identification, processing, manufacturing, storing and packaging of drugs and formulations.
- To enable students to make rational judgements and wise selection in choosing the right composition and formulation according to the needs and resources of the patient that are both cost-effective and efficient.
- To study about the safety and efficacy of medicines and disseminate the information to the general public.
Goals & Objectives
- To enable students to recognize the key importance of herbomineral drugs as the backbone of treatment
- To impart knowledge about identification, manufacturing and quality control of drugs
- To sensitize about Pharmacovigilance, Adverse Drug Reactions, Intellectual Property Rights etc.
- To enhance research work for drug and dosage form development and improvement of health
- To provide hospital based service
- To impart knowledge about
- History and Chronological Development of RSBK, Rasashala/Bhesajagara, Paribhasa Prakarana, Dravya Vargikarana, Yantra, Musa, Kosthi, Puta, Parada, Asta Samskara, Bandha, Jarana, Murchhana, Rasa Dravya Vargikarana, Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharana Rasa, Ratna, Uparatna, Visha, Upavisha, Sudha Varga, Kshara Varga, Sikata Varga, Dravya Shodhana, Aushadha Yoga, Mana Paribhasa, Adharbhuta Siddhanta, Kashaya Kalpana and Upakalpana, Arka Kalpana, Rasakriya, Ghanasara, Ghanasattva, Ghanavati, Phanita, Avaleha Kalpana, Khanda Kalpana, Sarkara Kalpana, Gudapaka Kalpana, Guggulupaka Kalpana, Sattwa Kalpana, Lavana Kalpana, Ayaskrti Kalpana, Masi Kalpana, Kshara Kalpana, Vati Kalpana, Varti Kalpana, Sneha Kalpana, Sandhana Kalpana, Pathya Kalpana, Lepa Kalpana, Netra Chikitsa Kalpana, Nasya Kalpana, Basti Kalpana, Dhupana Kalpana, Kavalagraha and Gandusha, Dhumapana, Standardisation and analytical parameters, Ancient and modern machinery and equipments.
- To standardise drugs for the thesis of MD scholars
Departmental Plans, Programs & Strategies
- To provide academic and hospital based services
- Co-ordination activities in association with drug manufacturing companies.
- To become a center of national and global recognition in the long run.
- To start short courses and workshops in preparing various formulations to the general public and Ayurveda scholars
- To organise research oriented activities
- To generate Evidence based medicine in the long run
- To highlight and bring forward the formulations that are used locally, ethnically and specifically in the nation and generate data and develop compendiums and database of such formulations
Regularly organized activities
- Seminars, discussions on various Journals and presentations, group discussions on innovative ideas of pharmacy practice
- Academic tours are organized to various Pharmaceuticals for getting the knowledge of modern manufacturing practices of herbal products.
Departmental Job Responsibilities:
- Teaching & learning activities
- Practical aspects in drug manufacture and analysis
- The students of BAMS 2nd Professional are exposed with practical demonstrations of various kalpanas (both herbal & herbomineral) and theory lectures of the subject.
- Group wise discussions with presentations and incorporation of observations in practical notebooks to make their concepts clearer.
Contribution in Institutional Growth & Development
The importance of medications in curing any disease is an undeniable aspect in any system of medicine. RSBK department provides the knowledge of medicines, Pathya, even Chikitsa Karma like Netra Kriyakalpa, Basti Kalpana, Nasya Kalpana etc to sensitise students towards both the importance of therapy as well as the right choice of drugs for the autimum benefit of the patients and the society at large.